Technical requirements
For this chapter, you will need a blank UE5 project open and ready. There's no need for C++ right now; we’ll be focusing on Blueprint code for simplicity.
The files for this project can be found in the chapter2
branch on GitHub at
If you’ve not created a blank UE5 project before, the following steps will take you through creating a simple Blueprint project, which is all we need for this chapter:
- Click the Launch button in the top right of the Epic Launcher | Unreal Engine | Library tab, where we installed the engine in the first chapter.
- Select Games on the left side of the Unreal Project Browser.
- Select Blank from the main section, and toggle Starter Content off. This will prevent Unreal from adding a bunch of unrequired assets to the project.
- Choose a sensible location (the default is fine) and set the project name...