Querying as an extension of the reading responsibility
The product owners or customers can now create, patch, and delete some data while persisting it. Let’s say that the request for the next programming sprint is for customers to be able to query books from the data referential service API. How to read a single book entity was shown earlier, but querying data in all its forms is so much more complex than reading one entity that it justifies a dedicated section, in which we will show how data should be filtered, paginated, exported, and so on.
Using ODP for a standard query API
One of the main themes of this book still holds true in this section: one should always use norms and standards in order to be compatible with as many uses as possible without having to take some time analyzing them. This is why, when it comes to supporting the querying of data through an API, we turn to the SQL of the API, which is ODP, and in particular the documentation of the associated protocol...