So, in this chapter, we have learned a lot about the log analysis of drones, where they are stored, how they can be accessed, and how they can be interpreted. This is not just a one-day game; it requires an amount of experience and skills that will come over time to understand these log files’ graphs and derive a conclusion from them. We have also studied PIDs and their importance and role in the smooth flying of quadcopters. We have also seen different rate controllers, how to tune individual PID gains, and how they impact the performance of the flight. We have also gone through different kinds of graphs and logs and learned how to analyze them. By studying all this, we got to know the basics and started tuning, which will be helpful for us in further tuning and analysis and achieving a smooth flight.
In the next chapter, we will study how we can implant different payloads onto a drone and how can we configure them.