Interacting with Content
Content and metadata stored in the repository are managed and served by the Content Server. However, human users interact with the Content Server through several types of applications. Depending upon their roles, the users may use one of the following means to interact with the Content Server:
1. A web application such as Webtop or Documentum Administrator. This is the most common means of interacting with the Content Server.
2. A desktop application such as Documentum Desktop.
3. A query tool such as IDQL or IAPI. These tools are often used by administrators or developers for precise and low-level interaction with the Content Server.
4. A custom application, which uses DFC or integration technologies (EMC Documentum Business Process Services, EMC Documentum Web Services Framework, etc.) to interact with the Content Server. Such an application may provide higher-level operations appropriate for the business, which bundle multiple low-level operations in some sequence...