Spring Initializr is a web-based tool available at https://start.spring.io. It's a quick start generator for Spring projects. Spring Initializr can be used as follows:
- From the web browser at https://start.spring.io
- In your IDE (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate or NetBeans, using plugins)
- From the command line with the Spring Boot CLI or simply with cURL or HTTPie
Using the web application is very convenient; all you need to do is provide details about your application Maven archetype, such as group, artifact name, description, and so on:

In the Dependencies section, you can enter the keywords of the features you would like to have included, such as JPA, web, and so on. You can also switch the UI to an advanced view, to have all the features listed and ready to be selected:

As the output, Spring Initializr will create a ZIP archive with the base Maven project...