Exercise 1: Creation and Configuration of Resources
The following steps automate the creation and configuration of resources in Azure, specifically for storing and managing binary large objects (blobs) in an Azure storage account.
These commands use files located in the current folder and should be executed locally. Make sure you install the Azure CLI: http://aka.ms/azcli.
You can also find the code at the following URL: https://packt.link/0Hel7
- Create the resource group:
az group create -l eastus -n AzureBlobs-RG
- To avoid name collisions, generate a unique name for your account:
- Next, create an Azure storage account:
az storage account create --name $account --resource-group AzureBlobs-RG
- Retrieve the key for your storage account:
key=$(az storage account keys list --account-name $account --query [0].value -o tsv)
- Copy the connection string for further use:
connectionString=$(az storage account show-connection-string --name...