Throughout the book, we’re going to use Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as our Integrated Development Environment (IDE). If you don’t have it, you can find it here: VSCode is updated monthly, but its version is 1.77.3 as of writing this book.
The main development framework that we will use in this chapter and in the book is ESP-IDF v4.4.4. It is available on GitHub here: If you are a Windows user, you can download the installer from this link as another installation option:
ESP-IDF requires Python 3 to be installed on the development machine. We will also need Python in some of the examples. The Python version that is used is 3.10.11.
The examples in the book are developed on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (Linux 5.15.0-71-generic x86_64). However, they compile regardless of the development platform after the installation of ESP-IDF on the development machine.
For hardware, we need both devkits in this chapter, ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 and ESP32-S3-Box-Lite.
The source code in the examples is located in the repository found at this link: