Clarifying Strapi terminology
One of the goals of Strapi is to build APIs easily and quickly without being bogged down in the implementation details of specific architectural styles (such as GraphQL or REST) or implementation details (such as which database and database connectors to use). To achieve this technological agnosticism, Strapi uses terminology that sits on top and abstracts such details. We will quickly cover this terminology so that we use the same vocabulary that Strapi uses throughout the book and will also be able to relate it to concepts we might already know from our previous exposure to other API frameworks.
Content-types, resources, object types, and models
Content-types are the fundamental building blocks in Strapi. If you have built REST APIs before using a more low-level framework, you might think of the content-types as resources. When building an API in the REST architectural style, we develop our endpoints and our interactions around resources. They...