Cleaning data
To gain an understanding of which cleaning operations may be required for a particular dataset, we need to consider how the data was collected. One of the major cleaning operations involves dealing with missing data. We have already encountered an example of this in the last chapter, when we examined the temperature data. In this instance, the data had a quality parameter, so we could simply exclude the incomplete data. However, this may not be the best solution for many applications. It may be necessary to fill in the missing data. How do we decide what data to use? In the case of our temperature data, we could fill the missing values in with the average values for that time of year. Notice that we presuppose some domain knowledge, for example, the data is more or less periodic; it is in line with the seasonal cycle. So, it is a fair assumption that we could take the average for that particular date for every year we have a reliable record. However, consider that we are attempting...