Entering the development environment
Now that we have an application ready to go, let’s take a look at the development environment of this application. The development environment of Betty Blocks can be reached by navigating to the application overview in your organization and then by clicking on the application tile with the B letter (for Betty Blocks) in it (see Figure 6.6) for the just-created application. It can be reached by navigating to the application overview in your organization and then hovering over the application tile (see Figure 6.5). Once you hover over it, you should be able to click on it. Here, you see more details about the application as walked through in Governance - Application:

Figure 6.6 – Application page
Since we want to focus on the development environment in this section, we will not bother creating sandboxes for the application for now.
There are two ways to open the development environment. The first and...