In this chapter, we started with the basics of NumPy arrays, including how to create them and their essential properties. We discussed and showed how a NumPy array is optimized for vectorized element-wise operations and differs from a regular Python list. Then, we moved on to practicing various operations on NumPy arrays such as indexing, slicing, filtering, and reshaping. We also covered special one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, such as zeros, ones, identity matrices, and random arrays.
In the second major topic of this chapter, we started with pandas series objects and quickly moved on to a critically important object – pandas DataFrames. It is analogous to Excel or MATLAB or a database tab, but with many useful properties for data wrangling. We demonstrated some basic operations on DataFrames, such as indexing, subsetting, row and column addition, and deletion.
Next, we covered the basics of plotting with matplotlib, the most widely used and popular Python library for...