Activity 15: Data Wrangling Task – Connecting the New Data to the Database
The steps to connect the data to the database is as follows:
Import the sqlite3 module of Python and use the connect function to connect to the database. The main database engine is embedded. But for a different database like Postgresql or MySQL, we will need to connect to them using those credentials. We designate Year as the PRIMARY KEY of this table.
Then, run a loop with the dataset rows one by one to insert them into the table.
If we look at the current folder, we should see a file called Education_GDP.db, and if we examine that using a database viewer program, we can see the data transferred there.
The solution for this activity can be found on page 347.
In this notebook, we examined a complete data wrangling flow, including reading data from the web and local drive, filtering, cleaning, quick visualization, imputation, indexing, merging, and writing back to a database table. We also wrote custom functions to...