Practicing and exploring
Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore with deeper research into the topics covered in this chapter.
Exercise 5.1 - test your knowledge
Answer the following questions:
In Visual Studio 2017, what is the difference between pressing F5, Ctrl + F5, Shift + F5, and Ctrl + Shift + F5?
Which information can you find out about a process?
How accurate is the
?How do you reference another project in a
file?When writing a unit test, what are the three As?
command executes xUnit tests?
Exercise 5.2 - practice debugging and unit testing
Create a console application named Ch05_Exercise02
that performs some simple calculations related to your own work. Use the debugging and unit testing tools to fix any problems.
Exercise 5.3 - explore topics
Use the following links to read more about the topics covered in this chapter:
Debugging in Visual Studio Code :