Adding depth by using subforms
A subform is a secondary form or table where we can associate multiple items to a single record. In the Deals module, this can be very useful as it will allow us to record additional information about the product or service we are providing to our customers all within a single deal record. This will help keep our CRM user-friendly, effective, and efficient.
For example, let's consider a company that supplies mobile telephones and contracts to businesses and consumers. The deal record will hold information at the top level, including the customer name, contact, and the stage we are up to in the sales process. The requirement may be to supply multiple handsets on varying tariffs, each potentially with a unique serial number or IMEI, as it is known in the industry. To try and manage this in the usual way with sections and fields only could be time-consuming and potentially limiting, as we may not have enough custom fields/layout rules to manage it...