Introducing the Elastic Load Balancer
The Elastic Load Balancer or ELB is a web service that allows you to automatically distribute incoming traffic across a fleet of EC2 instances. In simpler terms, an ELB acts as a single point of contact between your clients and the EC2 instances that are servicing them. The clients query your application via the ELB; thus, you can easily add and remove the underlying EC2 instances without having to worry about any of the traffic routing or load distributions. It is all taken care of by the ELB itself!
Coupled with Auto Scaling, ELB provides you with a highly resilient and fault tolerant environment to host your applications. While the Auto Scaling service automatically removes any unhealthy EC2 instances from its group, the ELB automatically reroutes the traffic to some other healthy instance. Once a new healthy instance is launched by the Auto Scaling service, ELB will once again re-route the traffic through it and balance out the application load as...