Customizing object styles and object label styles
Styles are a critical component to the overall display, and final output, of your BIM design model. It’s recommended to set up a drawing template that contains the majority of your already-configured display styles so that we aren’t reinventing the wheel every time we start a new drawing/model. When creating new drawings, we can use this drawing template as a starting point to begin our design, ensuring that we are setting ourselves up to focus (mostly) on engineering design moving forward. It’s important to note that there will almost always be a need to tweak a style here and there, or create a new custom version based on a client requirement, but going with the drawing template approach will limit the time spent on those one-offs moving forward.
When we go back to the Settings tab in our Toolspace, we can see the list of building blocks again; when pieced together, these will be used to create our major modeled...