We will be working with trading data on commodities in this chapter. The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, United States, compiles data on commodities. Datasets are available on http://fred.stlouisfed.org. You can obtain time series data on import values and import volumes of commodities traded by the United States. We will download data on bananas, olive oil, sugar, uranium, cotton, oranges, wheat, aluminium, iron, and corn.
Inside the chapter directory of the GitHub repository, you will find the generate_dataset.ipynb Jupyter Notebook. Just run the Notebook to download, transform, and generate the two CSV files we will upload. If you want to skip running the Notebook, the two CSV files, fsb_st_louis_commodities.csv and usda_oranges_and_bananas_data.csv, are also present in the repository, ready for upload.
The FSB data on commodity prices in fsb_st_louis_commodities...