Acronyms Lexicon
Here is the list of all the acronyms used throughout the book:
- ACI: Azure Container Instances
- AKS: Azure Kubernetes Service
- AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming
- API: Application Programming Interface
- ATDD: Acceptance Test-Driven Development
- BDD: Behavior-Driven Development
- BLL: Business Logic Layer
- CDN: Content Delivery Network
- CI: Continuous Integration
- CLI: Command-Line Interface
- CQS: Command Query Separation
- CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation
- CRUD: Create, Read, Update Delete
- CSRF (or XSRF): Cross-site Request Forgery
- DAL: Data Access Layer
- DDD: Domain-Driven Design
- DI: Dependency Injection
- DIP: Dependency Inversion Principle
- DOM: Document Object Model
- DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
- DTO: Data Transfer Object
- EF Core: Entity Framework Core
- FIFO: First in, First Out
- GOF: Gang of Four
- Grpc: gRPC Remote Procedure Calls
- GUI: Graphical User Interface ...