Getting started with Wi-Fi nodes and channels in ns-3
The ns-3 Wi-Fi module provides support for both basic (802.11 a, b, or g) and advanced (802.11 n, ac, or ax) Wi-Fi standard simulations. ns-3 Wi-Fi module design broadly captures the following important aspects to accurately configure real-time Wi-Fi network simulations:
- Wi-Fi basic PHY modeling
- Wi-Fi advanced PHY (802.11 n, ac, or ax) feature modeling
- Wi-Fi low-level MAC layer function modeling
- Wi-Fi high-level MAC layer function modeling
In this section, we will start by discussing Wi-Fi basic PHY modeling and how to use it to set up Wi-Fi simulations more realistically. The ns-3 WifiPhy
class models all basic PHY layer operations and functionalities. Basically, ns-3 PHY objects model the following important actions:
- In an ns-3 Wi-Fi node (STA or AP), the PHY object receives packets from the MAC layer and sends packets over the node’s attached Wi-Fi channel (e.g., ns-3’s