Tip #9: How to Configure the Position and Size of the Web Author Console Dialogs
With regards to screen space, more is always better and bigger is always good. Some authors like to maximize the editing screen space or set their browsers to open in Full Screen mode. Switching between normal and Full Screen mode is as simple as hitting the F11 key. It removes the title bar and provides a much bigger editing space that occupies the entire screen. Maximizing the window is done by clicking on the Maximize button at the top right hand corner of the window .
The trouble with authoring postings in maximized or Full Screen mode is that some of the windows (like the Create New Page, Resource Manager, and Production Assistant windows) that open from the Web Author Console don’t stay within the screen. Their top and lower right edges are off the screen, hiding essential buttons such as the close button. You will have to drag the window to the left each time you wish to center it.

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