Understanding the Camera
While we've done a lot of animation so far with individual layers and objects, the document-level camera in Animate allows us to achieve even more. We can use it to zoom, pan, and rotate the entire contents of the stage as though we are using a real camera on our animation. Not only that, but we can still layer and nest animated content as usual through the normal methods to create multiple levels of animation across any project.
One of the most common uses of the camera is to zoom in on a scene:
Figure 10.1 – The camera adds zoom, pan, and rotation to a scene
This can be an animated zoom or even a simple cut from one zoom level to another.
The camera can only be used at the document level and not within individual symbol timelines.
We'll be using the camera in this chapter to add all sorts of interesting motion and effects to our content.
Examining the Starter Project
To make use of the camera...