Chatbots are remarkably changing the way customer service is provided in a variety of industries. For every organization, customer satisfaction plays a very important role, thus they expect business to be reachable any time and respond to their queries 24*7. With growing artificial intelligence advances in smart devices and IoT, chatbots are becoming a necessity for communicating with customers in real time.
There are many existing vendors such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM with the required models and services to build conversational interfaces for the applications and devices. But the chatbot industry is evolving and even minor improvements in the UI, or the algorithms that work behind the scenes or the data they use to get trained, can mean a major win. With complete backing by the Facebook team, we can expect Wit.ai creating new simplified ways to ease speech recognition and voice interface for developers. Wit.ai has an excellent support for NLP making it one of the popular bot frameworks in the market. The key to chatbot success is to pursue continuous learning that enables them to leverage relevant data in order to connect with clearly defined customers, this what makes Wit.ai extra special.
Wit.ai is an open and extensible NLP engine for developers, acquired by Facebook, which allows you to build conversational applications and devices that you can talk or text to. It provides an easy interface and quick learning APIs to understand human communication from every interaction and helps to parse the complex message (which can be either voice or text) into structured data. It also helps you with predicting the forthcoming set of events based on the learning from the gathered data.
However, existing Wit.ai adoption looks very promising, with more than 160,000 members in the community contributing on GitHub. In order to have a complete coverage of tutorials, documentation and client support APIs you can visit the Github page to see a list of repositories.