This article written by Daniele Teti, the author of Delphi Cookbook, explains the process of writing enumerable types. It also discusses the steps to customize FireMonkey controls.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
When the for...in loop was introduced in Delphi 2005, the concept of enumerable types was also introduced into the Delphi language.
As you know, there are some built-in enumerable types. However, you can create your own enumerable types using a very simple pattern.
To make your container enumerable, implement a single method called GetEnumerator, that must return a reference to an object, interface, or record, that implements the following three methods and one property (in the sample, the element to enumerate is TFoo):
function GetCurrent: TFoo; function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: TFoo read GetCurrent;
There are a lot of samples related to standard enumerable types, so in this recipe you'll look at some not-so-common utilizations.
In this recipe, you'll see a file enumerable function as it exists in other, mostly dynamic, languages. The goal is to enumerate all the rows in a text file without actual opening, reading and closing the file, as shown in the following code:
var row: String; begin for row in EachRows('....myfile.txt') do WriteLn(row); end;
Nice, isn't it? Let's start…
We have to create an enumerable function result. The function simply returns the actual enumerable type. This type is not freed automatically by the compiler so you've to use a value type or an interfaced type. For the sake of simplicity, let's code to return a record type:
function EachRows(const AFileName: String): TFileEnumerable; begin Result := TFileEnumerable.Create(AFileName); end;
The TFileEnumerable type is defined as follows:
type TFileEnumerable = record private FFileName: string; public constructor Create(AFileName: String); function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<String>; end; . . . constructor TFileEnumerable.Create(AFileName: String); begin FFileName := AFileName; end; function TFileEnumerable.GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<String<; begin Result := TFileEnumerator.Create(FFileName); end;
No logic here; this record is required only because you need a type that has a GetEnumerator method defined. This method is called automatically by the compiler when the type is used on the right side of the for..in loop.
An interesting thing happens in the TFileEnumerator type, the actual enumerator, declared in the implementation section of the unit. Remember, this object is automatically freed by the compiler because it is the return of the GetEnumerator call:
type TFileEnumerator = class(TEnumerator<String>) private FCurrent: String; FFile: TStreamReader; protected constructor Create(AFileName: String); destructor Destroy; override; function DoGetCurrent: String; override; function DoMoveNext: Boolean; override; end; { TFileEnumerator } constructor TFileEnumerator.Create(AFileName: String); begin inherited Create; FFile := TFile.OpenText(AFileName); end; destructor TFileEnumerator.Destroy; begin FFile.Free; inherited; end; function TFileEnumerator.DoGetCurrent: String; begin Result := FCurrent; end; function TFileEnumerator.DoMoveNext: Boolean; begin Result := not FFile.EndOfStream; if Result then FCurrent := FFile.ReadLine; end;
The enumerator inherits from TEnumerator<String> because each row of the file is represented as a string. This class also gives a mechanism to implement the required methods.
The DoGetCurrent (called internally by the TEnumerator<T>.GetCurrent method) returns the current line.
The DoMoveNext method (called internally by the TEnumerator<T>.MoveNext method) returns true or false if there are more lines to read in the file or not. Remember that this method is called before the first call to the GetCurrent method. After the first call to the DoMoveNext method, FCurrent is properly set to the first row of the file.
The compiler generates a piece of code similar to the following pseudo code:
it = typetoenumerate.GetEnumerator; while it.MoveNext do begin S := it.Current; //do something useful with string S end it.free;
Enumerable types are really powerful and help you to write less, and less error prone, code. There are some shortcuts to iterate over in-place data without even creating an actual container.
If you have a bounce or integers or if you want to create a not homogenous for loop over some kind of data type, you can use the new TArray<T> type as shown here:
for i in TArray<Integer>.Create(2, 4, 8, 16) do WriteLn(i); //write 2 4 8 16
TArray<T> is a generic type, so the same works also for strings:
for s in TArray<String>.Create('Hello','Delphi','World') do WriteLn(s);
It can also be used for Plain Old Delphi Object (PODO) or controls:
for btn in TArray<TButton>.Create(btn1, btn31,btn2) do btn.Enabled := false
Since Version XE2, RAD Studio includes FireMonkey. FireMonkey is an amazing library. It is a really ambitious target for Embarcadero, but it's important for its long-term strategy. VCL is and will remain a Windows-only library, while FireMonkey has been designed to be completely OS and device independent. You can develop one application and compile it anywhere (if anywhere is contained in Windows, OS X, Android, and iOS; let's say that is a good part of anywhere).
A styled component doesn't know how it will be rendered on the screen, but the style. Changing the style, you can change the aspect of the component without changing its code. The relation between the component code and style is similar to the relation between HTML and CSS, one is the content and another is the display. In terms of FireMonkey, the component code contains the actual functionalities the component has, but the aspect is completely handled by the associated style. All the TStyledControl child classes support styles.
Let's say you have to create an application to find a holiday house for a travel agency. Your customer wants a nice-looking application to search for the dream house their customers. Your graphic design department (if present) decided to create a semitransparent look-and-feel, as shown in the following screenshot, and you've to create such an interface. How to do that?
This is the UI we want
In this case, you require some step-by-step instructions, so here they are:
The form with the standard components
The actions to be performed by the users are very simple. They should write some search criteria in the Edit field and click on Return. Then, the listbox shows all the houses available for that criteria (with a "contains" search). In a real app, you require a database or a web service to query, but this is a sample so you'll use fake search criteria on fake data.
procedure TForm1.EditSearchKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char; Shift: TShiftState); var I: Integer; House: string; SearchText: string; begin if Key <> vkReturn then Exit; // this is a fake search... ListBoxHouses.Clear; SearchText := EditSearch.Text.ToUpper; //now, gets 50 random houses and match the criteria for I := 1 to 50 do begin House := GetRndHouse; if House.ToUpper.Contains(SearchText) then ListBoxHouses.Items.Add(House); end; if ListBoxHouses.Count > 0 then ListBoxHouses.ItemIndex := 0 else ListBoxHouses.Items.Add('<Sorry, no houses found>'); ListBoxHouses.SetFocus; end;
Just to be clear, at the time of writing, the FireMonkey Style Designer is far to be perfect. It works, but it is not a pleasure to work with it. However, it does its job.
The Structure pane showing the default style for the TEdit control
The background part of the style is TActiveStyleObject. A TActiveStyleObject style is a style that is able to show a part of an image as default and another part of the same image when the component that uses it is active, checked, focused, mouse hovered, pressed, or selected. The image to use is in the SourceLookup property. Our TEdit component must be completely transparent in every state, so we removed the value of the SourceLookup property.
The Structure pane and the Tool Palette window are visible at the same time using the docking mechanism; you can also use the floating windows if you wish
The trick used in this recipe is simple. If you require a transparent UI, just identify which part of the style of each component is responsible to draw the background of the component. Then, put the Opacity setting to a level less than 1 (0.6 or 0.7 could be enough for most cases). Why not simply change the Opacity property of the component? Because if you change the Opacity property of the component, the whole component will be drawn with that opacity. However, you need only the background to be transparent; the inner text must be completely opaque. This is the reason why you changed the style and not the component property.
In the case of the TEdit component, you completely removed the painting when you removed the SourceLookup property from TActiveStyleObject that draws the background.
As a thumb rule, if you have to change the appearance of a control, check its properties. If the required customization is not possible using only the properties, then change the style.
If you are new to FireMonkey styles, probably most concepts in this recipe must have been difficult to grasp. If so, check the official documentation on the Embarcadero DocWiki at the following URL:
In this article, we discussed ways to write enumerable types in Delphi. We also discussed how we can use styles to make our FireMonkey controls look better.
Further resources on this subject: