WildFly's history
The history of WildFly, especially under the previous name JBoss AS, is filled with several market-leading technology innovations and architectural decisions.
It started out as an EJB container called Enterprise Java Bean Open Source Software (EJBOSS) in 1999. The name was later changed to JBoss as Sun Microsystem, the owner of the EJB trademark, asked the project to stop using "EJB" as part of the application's server name.
The key features that were introduced in earlier versions included support for Hot Deploy and the use of Dynamic Proxies, removing the need to generate client stubs for remote EJBs. The reputation of being one of the most modular application servers steadily grew as Version 2 and Version 3 were released. These were based on JMX and just about every component in the product was wrapped and exposed as an MBean. The JMX infrastructure was a good choice to build a platform of loosely-coupled components. It was extended with add-ons for...