Version two – grid layout (B)
The interface that we just produced demonstrates a lot of the key concepts in layout, but it's horribly ugly. Let's produce a nice interface. Here's the finished product:

Now we'll step through the ui.R
file looking at all the changes made over the original version. The custom header is made as follows:
library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage( title = "Google Analytics", h2("Google Analytics", style = "font-family: 'Impact'; color: purple; font-size: 32px;"),
As we saw elsewhere, it's very easy to make your own headers using h1()
, h2()
, and so on and to pass style information into them as done in the preceding code. In this case, you can see also that we have passed title = "Google Analytics"
to fluidPage()
in order to give the window/tab a title on the web browser (equivalent to the HTML <title>
The next chunk, the first fluidRow()
layout with the input widgets, contains a few important changes:
fluidRow( column(4, wellPanel( dateRangeInput...