Chapter 1, Getting Started, is where you create your first Vue application and get familiar with the most common features and development tools.
Chapter 2, Basic Vue.js Features, is where you effortlessly build lists and forms, and learn how to style them.
Chapter 3, Transitions and Animations, where you learn how transitions and animations work to bring more life to your apps. You will also integrate with external CSS libraries.
Chapter 4, Components!, is where you realize everything in Vue is a component and you can exploit this to reduce duplication and reuse your code.
Chapter 5, Communicate with the Internet, is where you make your first AJAX call and create forms and a full fledged REST client (and server!).
Chapter 6, Single Page Applications, is where you use vue-router to create static and dynamic routes to create a modern SPA.
Chapter 7, Unit Testing and End-To-End Testing, is where you learn to create professional software by adding Karma, Chai, Moka, Sinon.JS, and nightwatch to make sure you can refactor your app with confidence.
Chapter 8, Organize + Automate + Deploy = Webpack, is where you actually publish your accurately crafted components to npm and learn how Webpack and Vue play together in the process.
Chapter 9, Advanced Vue.js, is where you explore directives, plugins, functional components, and JSX.
Chapter 10, Large Application Patterns with Vuex, is where you structure your application with tested patterns using Vuex to make sure your apps are maintainable and performant.
Chapter 11, Integrating with External Frameworks, is where you build four different applications with Vue and Electron, Firebase, Feathers, and Horizon.