Creating your first Blueprint
Now, it is time to create your first Blueprint. Instead of jumping straight into a new project, I can't think of a better place to create your first Blueprint than our Hello World
project. It is time to give our Hello Sphere
an upgrade! The first thing we need to do is create a Blueprint from our actor. To do this, we need to select the HelloSphere
actor by clicking on the Actor in the viewport or selecting the HelloSphere
name in the World Outlier. This will populate our Details Panel with the appropriate options. Just next to the Add Component button, there is a Blueprint/Add Script button, click on this now:
You will be prompted to save the Blueprint we are about to create in some folder within our Content Browser. For now, save the blueprint in the Content folder directly. Name this Bluerpint HelloUnrealBP and press the green Create Blueprint button.
The Blueprint window
You will have been presented with an entirely new window, the Blueprint window. This will...