Assigning Level Of Detail (LOD) to a particle system
In Cascade, an LOD keeps the settings of level of detail for the particle system. LOD ranges define the point of change between set levels of detail, based on distance from the camera. Using LODs can reduce the processing load for the visual effect. The idea is to have optimal performance but maintain persuasive quality at close range, and smoothly ramp up the detail as the viewer gets closer to the Emitter actor. When passing the range, the transition between LOD settings should not be noticeable.
Getting ready
A little theory is probably a good thing to start with here. To take a particle system and create LOD variants, begin by selecting Regenerate Lowest LOD, to clear out any pre-existing levels. The lowest LOD is automatically generated from the highest LOD with a lower spawn rate. All the modules in the system will be grayed out, but can be edited per LOD by turning them back on to tweak their values to suit the current LOD. Before...