Great work! We've now completed the 2D adventure game. The game contains 2D physics over multiple levels, moving platforms, a gun that can damage the player with the damage updating a UI, a quest system, and an NPC that assigns a quest to the player. The knowledge gained in creating this game will prove useful in a wide variety of future projects, not just in this book, but in your professional career. It's always handy to know how to create a UI, a quest system, and 2D environmental physics.
Some minor details were not covered in this chapter for the sake of clarity and conciseness because we've seen the methods or content already in earlier chapters. Hence, it's essential to open the course files and check out the completed project, hence seeing how the code works. Overall, in having reached this far in this book, you have three completed Unity projects to your name—not bad at all!
The next chapter is something special, as we move away from...