The Diamond Model
The Diamond Model (The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis, Caltagirone, Sergio ; Pendergast, Andrew ; Betz, Christopher, was created by a non-profit organization called the Center for Cyber Intelligence Analysis and Threat Research (CCIATR). The paper, titled The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis, was released in 2013 with the novel goal to provide a standardized approach to characterize campaigns, differentiate one campaign from another, track their life cycles, and finally, develop countermeasures to mitigate them.
The Diamond Model uses a simple visual to illustrate six elements valuable for campaign tracking: Adversary, Infrastructure, Victim, Capabilities, Socio-political, and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP).
Adversary (a)
This element describes the entity that is the threat actor involved in the campaign, either directly or even indirectly. This can include individual names, organizations, monikers, handles, social media profiles, code names, addresses (physical, email, and so on), telephone numbers, employers, network-connected assets, and so on. Essentially, features that you can use to describe the bad guy.
Important note
Network-connected assets can fall into either an adversary or infrastructure node depending on the context. A computer named cruisin-box may be used by the adversary for leisure activities on the internet and be used to describe the person, while hax0r-box may be used by the adversary for network attack and exploitation campaigns and be used to describe the attack infrastructure.
Infrastructure (i)
This element describes the entity that describes the adversary-controlled infrastructure leveraged in the campaign. This can include things such as IP addresses, hostnames, domain names, email addresses, network-connected assets, and so on. As we track the life cycle of the campaign and when changing the Diamond Model to the Lockheed Martin Kill Chain, and even MITRE's ATT&CK matrices, the infrastructure can start as an external entity but quickly become an internal entity.
Victim (v)
This element describes the entity that is the victim targeted in the campaign. This can describe the same things as the Adversary element but within the context of the victim versus the adversary, so again, this refers to individual names, organizations, and so on. Beyond the scope of context, the victim's network-connected assets are included here if they are relevant to the campaign, while adversary network-controlled assets may be included as part of the Adversary or Infrastructure nodes depending on the context, as described previously.
Capabilities (c)
This element describes the capabilities leveraged in the campaign. There is certainly value in cataloging capabilities that may be known by the analyst as being available to the adversary, but generally, as it relates to the Capabilities node, it's describing the observed capabilities.
I would be remiss to skip over the motivational vertices. These are hugely valuable in describing high-level campaign objectives and are used to help describe how the capabilities and infrastructure relate to, and are leveraged by, one another.
In espionage, actor motivations are distilled into the four categories of MICE, and I think that they make sense in cyber security too:
- Money
- Ideology
- Coercion
- Ego
Money is used as a motivating factor through the collection of capital for work performed. This capital can be a few different things including cash, gifts, status, political position, and so on. A large majority of attackers are likely to fall under the money category; they launch attacks to get money for extortion, selling access or data, or other such campaign objectives that result in making money as a result of their intrusion.
Ideology is a motivating factor in that an actor believes in a specific cause or has fierce patriotism, believing that they should carry out offensive actions either to further their cause or national strategic interests.
Coercion is a motivating factor in that an actor has some sort of situation that can be used as leverage to force them to carry out offensive actions. Examples of leverage can be a secret, sick family members, or having performed previous actions.
Figure 1.5 – The Diamond Model
Ego is a motivating factor in that an actor believes that they are more skilled than their peers (if they believe they have any); they believe that they have been marginalized, or simply seek to catalog their exploits for "internet points."
Important note
While we look at MICE to represent threat actor motivations, it is important to remember that defenders usually do their work on the other side of the keyboard for much the same reasons of money, ideology, and/or ego, and much less commonly, coercion.
In campaign tracking, there is certainly value in describing the different nodes of the Diamond Model, but there are also the edges that show how the nodes are associated with each other. If you look through the preceding discussion, you'll see that there is a single letter next to each node ((a)dversary, (i)nfrastructure, (v)ictim, and (c)apabilities). We can use this to describe the direction of the node relationships of the campaign, which can improve response activities, mitigations, and resource prioritization by knowing how the adversary is moving throughout the campaign. Different directionalities include Victim-to-Infrastructure (v2i), Infrastructure-to-Victim (i2v), Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure (i2i), Adversary-to-Infrastructure (a2i), and Infrastructure-to-Adversary (i2a).