Creating an SQLite database
Usually, storing information on a mobile app is done with a local database. To do this, it is very common to use SQLite because even if it is a bit limited, this database has some advantages. For example, it is a serverless and a zero configuration database, and is built on iOS and Mac OS X.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we are going to download a SQLite file; therefore, you will need a SQLite client to read this file. So, apart from iFunBox downloaded in the previous chapter, you will also need to download a program, such as SQLiteBrowser (
Create a new project called Chapter 10 SQLite
, and keep in mind where you have saved this recipe because we are going to complete this in the next recipe.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps:
When the project is created, click on the General tab, and scroll down until you get to the section Linked Frameworks and Libraries. Click on the plus sign to add a new library, and select libsqlite3.dylib...