Exploring Palmer’s Penguins
Before we begin working with this dataset, we should make some visualizations to better understand the data. As we saw before, we have many columns in this data, whether the bill length, the flipper length, the island the penguin lives on, or even the species of penguin. I’ve done the first visualization for us already in Altair, a popular visualization library that we will use extensively throughout this book because it is interactive by default and generally pretty:
Figure 2.2: Bill length and bill depth
From this, we can see that the Adelie penguins have a shorter bill length but generally have fairly deep bills. Now, what does it look like if we plot weight by flipper length?
Figure 2.3: Bill length and weight
Now we see that Gentoo penguins seem to be heavier than the other two species, and that bill length and body mass are positively correlated. These findings are not a huge surprise, but getting to these simple...