Creating a tempo map
Tempo mapping is the process of outlining and confirming tempo or tempo changes for existing SMPTE locked markers, based on the selected grid setting. Any type of tempo changes for those markers within Logic Pro, when scoring to picture, can be referred to as tempo mapping or “laying out the cue.”
During the process of creating a tempo map, the film composer needs to compare marker positions with one another to make sure that the markers fall on the downbeat of a bar. As a result, Logic Pro will adjust the markers so they land on the downbeat of a bar by retaining their SMPTE locked position and will suggest a new tempo to accommodate this.
This process is a Logic Pro task, a technical skill that needs to be practiced. The ability to make technical choices is important before making any musical choices. We will talk more about technical choices versus musical choices in Chapter 9.
In this section, we will go over how to create a tempo map...