Visualizations are amazing to investigate. You can explore data, reach insights, and transmit them directly to your audience. When several paragraphs may be needed to prove a point, good figures do it better in just a glance; they literally do. Fortunately, as computers keep evolving, crafting first-class graphs is not that difficult anymore.
R has proven itself an amazing tool for both data analysis and visualization. It all began by as an open source, well-designed, and multi-propose programming language that did not require much programming background to use. So, as R rose in popularity, a vivid and helpful community has also arisen.
The community itself has done much to keep improving the language. They have designed and shared tons of packages, which brings us to here and now. This book is full of examples on how to easily brew pretty graphics using very popular packages. It aims for teaching the nuts and bolts related to many different visuals, along with very useful tricks to adapt and enhance your figures.
Examples range from static scatterplots built using ggplot2 to interactive globes formed by plotly. Learn how to plot the most tweeted words by some user, draw true 3D interactive surfaces, and build shiny dashboards. Also you will learn how to apply a theme that will support your analysis.