XSLT extension functions
XSLT 1.0 provides a way for developers to call implementation-specific extension functions from within a stylesheet. With the Oracle XSLT processor for Java, you use XSLT extension functions to access Java class functions (methods) from an XSLT stylesheet, letting you use Java to augment native XSLT transformations. Typically you'd use XSLT extension functions to:
Perform a conversion. For example you might need to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, or perform math functions that are not included in XSLT's library functions.
Create XSLT variables from result values. It's sometimes convenient to get the results of a process into an XSLT variable. Using extension functions is a convenient way to achieve that.
This section explains how to configure XSLT extension functions, as implemented in XDK 11g, for use in an XSLT stylesheet. We will be parsing and modifying an XML document using extension functions, as an example. It's important to note that this example makes no modifications...