Comparing images
The imageCompare
component supports comparing two images by providing the user with a slider to drag over the images.
How to do it...
A basic definition for comparing two images of the maps of a sample city would be as follows:
<p:imageCompareleftImage="/resources/images/compare/istanbulMap.png" rightImage="/resources/images/compare/istanbulSatellite.png" width="700" height="400" />
How it works...
The leftImage
attribute defines the image placed on the left side, and the rightImage
attribute defines the one to be placed on the right side. The width
and height
attributes should be provided in order to compare images properly by mapping them on top of each other. The rendering of the imageCompare
component with the two images with the slider rendered on top of it will be as shown in the following screenshot:

There’s More
The style and the style class of the image container element can also be set with the style and styleClass attribute respectively.