Formatted input with inputMask
minimizes the chances for the user to input incorrect data. It applies client-side validation with the provided masking template.
How to do it...
A basic example of input mask for a phone number input would be as follows:
<p:inputMask value="#{}" mask="(999) 999-9999"/>
As can be seen with the mask (999) 999-9999
, it is stated that only numbers can be input along with the parenthesis and dashed structure. The initial visual of the input will be as seen in the following image:

The fields that are filled up with number 9
in the mask will be empty and the rest will be rendered with the initial phase. The numeric character 9
is used to depict only numeric characters that could be input for the field in this example. By providing alphabetic character a
, input could be restricted only to alphabetic characters. An example would be the input of a product key, as follows:
<p:inputMask value="#{maskController.productKey}" mask="a999...