Time for action - making a customer account
Now it is time to create an account for yourself in your own shop. This will be useful now and later as well. It is especially useful because the My Account module is only visible to customers who have logged in.
1. Click on Your Account at the top-right of your store front. In the Create your account box, enter your e-mail and click on the Create your account button.
2. The form is very self-explanatory. Fill it out and click the green Register button at the bottom of the screen. You are now at the MY ACCOUNT page, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Take a close look at the now visible My Account module and compare it to the links on the main content area of the page. They are just about identical. So we can simply devise from this that the purpose of the My Account module is a permanently visible version of the main MY ACCOUNT page.
4. Click on My account at the top-left just to confirm this.
What just happened?
Now you have a customer account...