In this section, you will be introduced to some of the most popular decentralized databases. These databases use innovative cryptographic and networking techniques to address some of the key issues such as censorship, surveillance, and permissioned access to confidential information. Several efforts are being made by the projects outlined next to bring a new order to how data can be treated in the public sphere as well as the enterprise sphere.
Let's now understand some of the top global decentralized databases.
IPFS is a distributed filesystem that allows users to host and receive content in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner, eliminating any need for intermediaries, for storing or accessing data from any corner of the world. IPFS allows users to store and serve data in a censorless manner. The data remains persisted in the network as long as somebody in the network values the data. Although there may not be a monetary incentive for users who persist the data on their...