If this was the first time that you learned about object-oriented programming (OOP), then you have just learned a major new skill in your journey toward becoming a proficient robot programmer. The ability to divide your program into modular and reusable classes will improve your efficiency as a robot developer as it eliminates many potential sources of error when it comes to reusing code by means of copy and paste. It also makes it much easier and more efficient to maintain your codebase by allowing you to create universal building blocks, such as the Blinker library that we wrote in this chapter. You have learned how to write an object-oriented Arduino library from scratch and how to use it in the Arduino IDE. You also learned two separate ways to use Arduino libraries that were written by others.
In the next chapter, we will learn how to develop our robot programs in a way that makes them easy to test and give us confidence that they work as intended. We will look at techniques...