Importing multiple rasters at a time
This recipe will guide you through the import of multiple rasters at a time.
You will first import some different single band rasters to a unique single band raster table using the raster2pgsql
Then, you will try an alternative approach, merging the original single band rasters in a virtual raster, having one band for each of the original rasters, and then load the multiband raster to a raster table. For accomplishing this, you will use the GDAL gdalbuildvrt
command and then load the data to PostGIS with raster2pgsql
Getting ready
Be sure to have all the original raster datasets you have been using for the previous recipe.
How to do it...
The steps you need to follow to complete this recipe are as follows:
Import all the maximum average temperature rasters in a single PostGIS raster table using
and thenpsql
(eventually, pipe the two commands if you are in Linux):$ raster2pgsql -d -I -C -M -F -t 100x100 -s 4326 worldclim/tmax*.bil chp01.tmax_2012 > tmax_2012.sql $ psql -d postgis_cookbook -U me -f tmax_2012.sql
Check how the table was created in PostGIS, querying the
table. Here we are querying only some significant fields:postgis_cookbook=# SELECT r_raster_column, srid, ROUND(scale_x::numeric, 2) AS scale_x, ROUND(scale_y::numeric, 2) AS scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values, out_db FROM raster_columns where r_table_schema='chp01' AND r_table_name ='tmax_2012'; r_raster_column | srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types | nodata_values | out_db-----------------+------+---------+---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+---------------+--------rast | 4326 | 0.17 | -0.17 | 100 | 100 | 1 | {16BUI} | {0} | {f} (1 row)
Check some raster statistics using the
function:SELECT rid, (* FROM (SELECT rid, ST_MetaData(rast) As md FROM chp01.tmax_2012) As foo;
Note that there is a different metadata for each raster record loaded in the table.
If you now query the table, you would be able to derive the month for each raster row only from the
column. In the table, you have imported 198 distinct records (raster) for each of the 12 original files (we divided them into 100x100 blocks, if you remember). Test this with the following query:postgis_cookbook=# SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_raster, MIN(filename) as original_file FROM chp01.tmax_2012 GROUP BY filename ORDER BY filename; num_raster | original_file ------------+--------------- 198 | tmax01.bil 198 | tmax02.bil 198 | tmax03.bil 198 | tmax04.bil 198 | tmax05.bil 198 | tmax06.bil 198 | tmax07.bil 198 | tmax08.bil 198 | tmax09.bil 198 | tmax10.bil 198 | tmax11.bil 198 | tmax12.bil (12 rows)
With this approach, using the
field, you could use theST_Value
PostGIS raster function to get the average monthly maximum temperature of a certain geographic zone for the whole year:SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(filename, 'tmax', ''), '.bil', '') AS month, (ST_VALUE(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS tmax FROM chp01.tmax_2012 WHERE rid IN ( SELECT rid FROM chp01.tmax_2012 WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Envelope(rast), ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326)) ) ORDER BY month; month | tmax -------+------ 01 | 11.8 02 | 13.2 03 | 15.3 04 | 18.5 05 | 22.9 06 | 27 07 | 30 08 | 29.8 09 | 26.4 10 | 21.7 11 | 16.6 12 | 12.9 (12 rows)
A different approach is to store each month value in a different raster band. The
command doesn't let you load to different bands in an existing table. But, you can use GDAL by combining thegdalbuildvrt
and thegdal_translate
commands. First, usegdalbuildvrt
to create a new virtual raster composed of 12 bands, one for each month:$ gdalbuildvrt -separate tmax_2012.vrt worldclim/tmax*.bil
Analyze the
tmax_2012.vrt xml
file with a text editor. It should have a virtual band (VRTRasterBand
) for each physical raster pointing to it:<VRTDataset rasterXSize="2160" rasterYSize="900"> <SRS>GEOGCS...</SRS> <GeoTransform> -1.8000000000000006e+02, 1.6666666666666699e-01, ...</GeoTransform> <VRTRasterBand dataType="Int16" band="1"> <NoDataValue>-9.99900000000000E+03</NoDataValue> <ComplexSource> <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">worldclim/tmax01.bil</SourceFilename> <SourceBand>1</SourceBand> <SourceProperties RasterXSize="2160" RasterYSize="900"DataType="Int16" BlockXSize="2160" BlockYSize="1" /> <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="2160" ySize="900" /> <DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="2160" ySize="900" /> <NODATA>-9999</NODATA> </ComplexSource> </VRTRasterBand> <VRTRasterBand dataType="Int16" band="2"> ...
Now, with
, analyze this output virtual raster to check if it is effectively composed of 12 bands:$ gdalinfo tmax_2012.vrt
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
Driver: VRT/Virtual Raster Files: tmax_2012.vrt worldclim/tmax01.bil worldclim/tmax02.bil ... worldclim/tmax12.bil Size is 2160, 900 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", ... Band 1 Block=128x128 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined Min=-478.000 Max=418.000 NoData Value=-9999 Band 2 Block=128x128 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined Min=-421.000 Max=414.000 NoData Value=-9999 ...
Import the virtual raster composed of 12 bands, each referring to one of the 12 original rasters, to a PostGIS raster table composed of 12 bands. For this purpose, you can use the
command:$ raster2pgsql -d -I -C -M -F -t 100x100 -s 4326 tmax_2012.vrt chp01.tmax_2012_multi > tmax_2012_multi.sql $ psql -d postgis_cookbook -U me -f tmax_2012_multi.sql
Query the
view to get some indicators for the imported raster. Note as the num_bands is now 12:postgis_cookbook=# SELECT r_raster_column, srid, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types from raster_columns where r_table_schema='chp01' AND r_table_name ='tmax_2012_multi'; r_raster_column | srid | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types -----------------+------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- rast | 4326 | 100 | 100 | 12 | {16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI,16BSI}
Now, let's try to produce the same output of the query with the previous approach. This time, given the table structure, we keep the results in a single row:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT (ST_VALUE(rast, 1, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS jan, (ST_VALUE(rast, 2, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS feb, (ST_VALUE(rast, 3, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS mar, (ST_VALUE(rast, 4, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS apr, (ST_VALUE(rast, 5, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS may, (ST_VALUE(rast, 6, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS jun, (ST_VALUE(rast, 7, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS jul, (ST_VALUE(rast, 8, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS aug, (ST_VALUE(rast, 9, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS sep, (ST_VALUE(rast, 10, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS oct, (ST_VALUE(rast, 11, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS nov, (ST_VALUE(rast, 12, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326))/10) AS dec FROM chp01.tmax_2012_multi WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM chp01.tmax_2012_multi WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(12.49, 41.88), 4326)));
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec ----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+---- 11.8| 13.2| 15.3| 18.5| 22.9| 27 | 30 | 29.8| 26.4| 21.7| 16.6|12.9 (1 row)
How it works...
You can import raster datasets in PostGIS using the raster2pgsql
The GDAL PostGIS raster so far does not support writing operations; therefore, for now, you cannot use GDAL commands such as gdal_translate
and gdalwarp
This is going to change in the near future, so you may have such an extra option when you are reading this chapter.
In a scenario where you have multiple rasters representing the same variable at a time, as in this recipe, it makes sense to store all of the original rasters as a single table in PostGIS. In this recipe, we have the same variable (average maximum temperature) represented by a single raster for each month. You have seen that you could proceed in two different ways:
Append each single raster (representing a different month) to the same PostGIS single band raster table and derive the information related to the month from the value in the filename column (added to the table using the
-F raster2pgsql
option).Generate a multiband raster using
(one raster with 12 bands, one for each month), and import it in a single multiband PostGIS table using theraster2pgsql