Installing Munin plugins to analyze performance
As we mentioned earlier, Munin produces graphs that contain diagnostic system information.
With Zope 2, you can analyze four different parameters over time:
To create graphs with Munin, you must install the Munin plugins in Zope 2 as well as install the Munin software on your production server (that is, outside the buildout).
Munin installation should be fairly trivial on most UNIX-like operating systems, including our target operating system Ubuntu Linux. Munin software is typically bundled into three separate packages—munin, munin-node, and munin-plugins.
Assuming you have one server, you should have at least the munin and munin-node packages installed to facilitate monitoring of that server and the Plone site running on it.
If you have more than one server (running Plone), you should add munin-nodes to each additional server and configure them to be nodes of the server with the munin package installed.
To install the Munin...