Validating well-formed XML files
PEDI offers different options for validating XML documents, including the validation of a well-formed document. The structure of an XML document is formed by tags that begin with the character <
and end with the character >
. In an XML document, you can find start tags <example tag>
, end tags </example tag>
, or empty element tags <example tag/>
, and these tags can be nested. An XML document is called well-formed when it follows the following set of rules:
They must contain at least one element.
They must contain a unique root element—this means a single opening and closing tag for the whole document.
The tags are case sensitive—this means that beginning and ending tags match (for instance,
<example Tag></example Tag>
versus<example Tag></Example Tag>
). The second tag set will throw an error.All of the tags must be nested properly, without overlapping.
There is a lot more that goes into consideration around what...