Looking for values by proximity
This chapter is about looking for values in different sources based on given conditions. Those conditions are a comparison between fields in your stream and fields in the source that you are looking into. As you know, or could see in the rest of the recipes, you usually compare by equality and sometimes you do it by using different operators such as LIKE
, <
, and so on. What if you need to look for a value that is more or less equal to a field in your stream? None of the options you saw in the other recipes will give you the solution to this problem. In these situations, you need to perform a fuzzy search, that is, a search that looks for similar values. Kettle allows you to perform such a search by providing you the Fuzzy match step. In this recipe, you will learn how to use this step.
Suppose that you receive an external text file with book orders and you need to find the prices for these books. The problem is that you don't have the identification...