Table structure changes in GoldenGate environments with similar table definitions
Almost all of the applications systems in IT undergo some change over a period of time. This change might include a fix of an identified bug, an enhancement or some configuration change required due to change in any other part of the system. The data that you would replicate using GoldenGate will most likely be part of some application schema. These schemas, just like the application software, sometimes require some changes which are driven by the application vendor. If you are replicating DDL along with DML in your environment then these schema changes will most likely be replicated by GoldenGate itself. However, if you are only replicating only DML and there are any DDL changes in the schema particularly around the tables that you are replicating, then these will affect the replication and might even break it.
In this recipe, you will learn how to update the GoldenGate configuration to accommodate the schema...