Chapter 2. Process Implementation
In this chapter, we will look at how developers implement the process. This chapter answers the question "How do you move from a model to a running process?", which automatically routes tasks, brings the right forms, applies rules, stores data, and so on.
The main tool to be used is BPM Studio, which you have used in Chapter 1, Process Modeling, while developing the model as a Process Analyst. You will focus on implementing the model. However, the same model that was developed as a Process Analyst will be used. You can switch gears as you are now a Process Developer and are going to implement a running process.
This chapter will focus on the implementation tasks and cover the following topics:
Defining an Interactive task
Generating a Task Form for an Interactive task
Defining an Interactive task for the Finalize activity
Creating a common Interactive task
Generating a common Task Form
Assigning the same Human Task to different Interactive tasks
Creating Data associations...