Installing plugins
Plugins can be very helpful to extend OPNsense features or even to just customize them. In this section, we will install a theme plugin that will change the WebGUI look and feel.
You can find the available plugins in the System | Firmware | Plugins menu:
Figure 2.43 – Accessing the Plugins menu
There are dozens of plugins listed and the list is growing. To test a plugin installation, we will get a new OPNsense WebGUI theme, a dark one!
To do that, select a plugin theme and just click on the + button:
Figure 2.44 – Installing a new WebGUI theme plugin
After that the plugin should be installed:
Figure 2.45 – Plugin installation process output
When a plugin is installed, it will appear at the top of the list in bold as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.46 – Installed plugins
Congratulations, you just installed your first plugin...