Chapter 4. 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion
The goal of this chapter is to study how to reconstruct a scene in 3D by inferring the geometrical features of the scene from camera motion. This technique is sometimes referred to as structure from motion. By looking at the same scene from different angles, we will be able to infer the real-world 3D coordinates of different features in the scene. This process is known as triangulation, which allows us to reconstruct the scene as a 3D point cloud.
In the previous chapter, you learned how to detect and track an object of interest in the video stream of a webcam, even if the object is viewed from different angles or distances, or under partial occlusion. Here, we will take the tracking of interesting features a step further and consider what we can learn about the entire visual scene by studying similarities between image frames. If we take two pictures of the same scene from different angles, we can use feature matching...