Populating the Bean
Beans are wonderful things. They can be populated by data in the FORM
or URL
scopes, or from data drawn from a query recordset. We will be exploring these options later in the book when we look into more code examples.
For now, let's populate some of the properties using the setter functions we have written.
Copy the following code to pass variables into the properties within the Bean, and we'll run the getMemento()
method one more time to test the results:
<cfscript> // Instantiate the Person object objPerson = createObject('component', 'com.packtApp.oop.beans.Person').init(); </cfscript> <!---View the content of the variables.instance scope using the getMemento() method---> <cfdump var="#objPerson.getMemento()#"label="Person - variables.instance" /> <cfscript> objPerson.setFirstName('Gary'); objPerson.setLastName('Brown'); objPerson.setGender('Male'); objPerson.setHairColor('Brown'); objPerson.setDateOfBirth('01/04/1979'); </cfscript>...