Revisiting the Blog App
Since we discussed the Blog App previously, let’s look at the services and their interactions again:
Figure 15.1 – The Blog App and its services and interactions
So far, we’ve created CI and CD pipelines for building, testing, and pushing our Blog App microservices containers using GitHub Actions, deploying them using Argo CD in a GKE cluster.
As you may recall, we created the following resources for the application to run seamlessly:
- MongoDB: We deployed an auth-enabled MongoDB database with root credentials. The credentials were injected via environment variables sourced from a Kubernetes Secret resource. To persist our database data, we created a PersistentVolume mounted to the container, which we provisioned dynamically using a PersistentVolumeClaim. As the container is stateful, we used a StatefulSet to manage it and, therefore, a headless Service to expose the database.
- Posts, reviews, ratings...